Race manager / route manager Mika Okkonen
Mika from Joensuu is especially known for her work as a developer of program services and events related to nature sports. Okkonen's ideas include the Ursak Adventure Race, Danger of Marathon, Danger MTB and the Arctic Ice Road Run. Mika has also participated in the 2001 and 2002 Karelian Odyssey. He has been the founder of the Karelian Adventure Athletes Association. Photo: Jarno Artika.

Route planning / Tuukka Turkka
Tuukka from Kontiolahti is an experienced navigator. Crosses can be found on him on a mountain bike, skiing and running.
As an adventure athlete, he has participated in competitions in Estonia, Russia and Finland. In her work, Tuukka explores the wooded terrain of North Karelia on a daily basis.

Route manager / Jaakko Leppänen
Jaakko is an orienteering adventurer from Liper's Ylämylly.
As a breeder of jaamankangas, I have been addicted to the scent of heather and softwood as a little boy. That road will continue.
Some of the most spectacular runs in 2021 were made alongside route planning in Eastern Finland. "Wauuuuh, Uuuuh, what a ridge, a bend in the river and the swamp" !!! There is no better way to smell the wilderness.

Heikki Hamunen / media operations
Heikki, who has settled in Liper and has a roots in Ilomantsi, has long been seen at sports events and especially in their quilted jacket department, among the organizers. At the Karelian Odyssey, Heikki plays a largely consultative role and operates in the waves of media collaboration. Photo: Studio Korento.